School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Elektrochemical Deposition and Characterisation of Polymers on FTO-coated Sheets of Glass

Hotspots with particularly relevant contents for "Chemistry with Light" can be found in this thesis on the following pages with the respective contents :

  • p. 9 to p. 13: conductive polymers
  • p. 14 to p. 16: electropolymerization (theory)
  • p. 27 to p. 30: Self-constructed devices: potentiostats and electrochemical cells
  • p. 73 to p. 80: Electrochemical polymer deposition on Pt and FTO electrodes
  • p. 50 to p. 73: Electrochromic windows and organic photovoltaic cells

Get the thesis (in German): urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20170210-143302-1


Several conducting polymers have been synthesized through potentiostatic oxidative electro polymerisation (chronoamperometry) using a self-made potentiostat that was connected to a 3-electrode-setup. The monomers and the resulting polymers have been characterised using a commercially available potentiostat/galvanostat by cyclo voltammetry. Optical and morphological properties have been determined with spectral photometry (electro chromic behavior) and using the tapping mode of an atomic force microscope (AFM) respectively. Using the synthesized polymers electrochromic windows and organic bilayer solar cells have been created and investigated.