Color by Absorption of Light and by Emission of Light

Higher Secondary Education
- V1 Color through absorption of light by chlorophyll solutions: absorption spectra in real colors and in a photometer
- V2 Color through emission of light by fluoresceine, esculin and other fluorophors, each in solution and in rigid matrices of tartaric acid, cellulose or boronic acid
- Crying Chestnut Branch
- Laterna Magica
- Gothamist's Dream
- V3 Creation and investigation of true color emission spectra using a diffraction grating from the physics collection
Technical Contents
absorption spectra, ground state and electronically excited state, highest occupied molecular orbital (energy level) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (energy level), vibrational levels, spin, singlet and triplet state, fluorescence, phosphorescence, vibrational relaxations, energy diagrams
Dyes (energy level model, photometry, color through absorption and emission of light); (emission spectra and stokes shift; molecular orbital and delocalized ϖ-molecular orbitals) (higher secondary education)
- 2020
- [english] Meuter, Nico; Spinnen, Sebastian; Tausch, Michael W.
Two Versatile Experiments for Teaching Photochemistry: Photon Upconversion by TTA and All Optical INHIBIT Logical Gate
EPA (European Photochemistry Association) Newsletter (97) :9-15
February 2020 - Tausch, Michael W.
Chemie mit Licht - Innovative Didaktik für Studium und Lehre
Publisher: Springer Verlag
2020ISBN: 978-3-662-60376-5
- 2018
- [english] Tausch, Michael W.
Phototactive Thin Films in Science Education
World Journal of Chemical Education, 6 (1) :14--17
Publisher: Science and Education Publishing Co., Ltd. - [english] Brunnert, Rainer; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Meuter, Nico; Pereira Vaz, Nuno; Spinnen, Sebastian; Yurdanur, Yasemin; Tausch, Michael W.
The Fascinating World of Photochemistry
Educacion Quimica, 29 (3) :108-117
2018 - 2017
- Tausch, Michael W.; Meuter, Nico; Spinnen, Sebastian
Photoprocesses in chemical education. Key experiments for core concepts
Educacion Quimica, 28 (3) :120--126
Publisher: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico - [english] Tausch, Michael W.; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Meuter, Nico; Spinnen, Sebastian; Yurdanur, Yasemin; Pereira Vaz, Nuno; Drude, Niklas
The Fascinating World of Photochemistry
2017 - 2014
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, M.; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Krees, Simone
CHEMIE 2000+ Qualifikationsphase
Publisher: C.C.Buchner, Bamberg
2014 - 2010
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, Magdalene; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Domrose, A.; Krees, S.; Krollmann, P.; Remus, L.; Wambach-Laicher, J.
CHEMIE 2000+ NRW Gesamtband Sek. I
Publisher: C.C.Buchner, Bamberg
2010 - [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Banerji, Amitabh
Funktionelle Farbstoffe
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule, 59 (8) :6
2010 - 2007
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, Magdalene; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Krollmann, P.; Schmitz, W.; Wambach, J.
CHEMIE 2000+ Gesamtband mit Kompendium für das Abitur
Publisher: C.C.Buchner, Bamberg
2007 - 1999
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Grolmuss, A.
Ein low-cost Selbstbau-Spektroskop
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften (Chemie), 48 (7) :36
1999 - 1993
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, M.; Deissenberger, H.; Porth, H.-R.; G. Weißenhorn, R.
CHEMIE S II STOFF-FORMEL-UMWELT, Lehrbuch für Grund- und Leistungskurse, 446 Seiten
Publisher: C. C. Buchner, Bamberg
1993 - 1988
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Paterkiewicz, D.
Fluoreszenz und Phosphoreszenz
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften (Chemie), 36 :14