Electrical Energy from Light

Lower Secondary Education, Higher Secondary Education
- E1 Conversion from light into electrical energy using a setup that resembles a Daniell element, but has a light-sensitive photo anode made from TiO2, which, in contrast to the zinc anode in the Daniell element, is not degraded and that only works while it is irradiated with light
Technical Contents
Voltage only while the TiO2-electrode is irradiated; This electrode is the negative pole, but doesn't change; Br- ions in solution become Br2
electrochemical power sources (Sek. I)
- 2022
- [english] Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Zeller, Diana; Meuter, Nico; Tausch, Michael W.
Teaching Photochemistry: Experimental Approaches and Digital Media
ChemPhotoChem, 6 (6) :1-11
June 2022 - 2018
- [english] Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Zeller, Diana
Photosensitizers for Photogalvanic Cells in the Chemistry Classroom
World Journal of Chemical Education, 6 (1) :36--42
Publisher: Science and Education Publishing Co., Ltd. - 2014
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, M.; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Krees, Simone
CHEMIE 2000+ Qualifikationsphase
Publisher: C.C.Buchner, Bamberg
2014 - 2010
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, Magdalene; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Domrose, A.; Krees, S.; Krollmann, P.; Remus, L.; Wambach-Laicher, J.
CHEMIE 2000+ NRW Gesamtband Sek. I
Publisher: C.C.Buchner, Bamberg
2010 - 2007
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, Magdalene; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Krollmann, P.; Schmitz, W.; Wambach, J.
CHEMIE 2000+ Gesamtband mit Kompendium für das Abitur
Publisher: C.C.Buchner, Bamberg
2007 - 2003
- [english] Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Tausch, Michael W.
Photogalvanic Cells for Classroom Investigations: A Contribution for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization
Journal of Chemical Education, 80 (12) :1471
Publisher: American Chemical Society ({ACS}) - 2001
- [german] Bohrmann, Claudia; Tausch, Michael W.
Hypermedia-Baustein: Photoelektrochemische Zelle
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule, 50 (7)
2001 - [german] Bohrmann, Claudia; Twellmann, M.; Tausch, Michael W.
Vom galvanischen Element zur Solarzelle
Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Chemie, 66 (6) :12–16