Homogeneous Photocatalysis in Photo-Blue-Bottle Experiments

Higher Secondary Education
- V1 Color change to blue of the PBB-solution (water based solution with ethylviologen = substrate, proflavine = photocatalyst and EDTA = sacrificial donor) caused by irradiation with light (blue or white light) and reverse color change caused by shaking in a half-filled and sealed testtube
- V2 PBB in absense of O2 in a fully filled and sealed testtube
- V3 PBB in an electrochemical measurement setup consisting of two electrolyte-bridged half-cells with an irradiated and a not irradiated PBB-solution (solar battery with half cells)
- V4 Compact cell made of FTO glass, filter paper soaked with PBB-Lösung and razor foils (solar battery as compact cell)
- V5 PBB variations with alternate substrates and photocatalysts
- Videos with photo redox reactions on the basis of the PBB experiment
- Worksheets regarding material cycles and energy conversions on the basis of the PBB experiment
- Article on Variations of the Photo-Blue-Bottle experiments
- Article containing an education module regarding the carbon cycle in the biosphere (lower secondary education)
Technical Contents
coupled reaction cycles of the substrate and the photocatalyst, light induced reaction cycle of the photocatalyst, photo electron transfer, redox pairs and their redox potentials in the ground and in the excited state, light energy conversion and storage in the reduced substrate, quantitative determination of the substrate conversion; relation: structure-color of the colorless and the colored form of the substrate
cycle of matter (PBB as model experiments for the cycle photosynthesis-cell respiration);
electro chemistry (redox reactions and -potentials, Nernst equation); catalysis (differentiation between photocatalysis and catalysis); energetics (conversion of radiation energy into chemical bond energy) (higher secondary education); chemistry/biology: PBB and the carbon cycle in the biosphere
- 2022
- [german] Kremer, Richard; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Tausch, Michael W.
Künstliche Photosynthese im Fokus - Photokatalytische Wasserstofferzeugung in der Eintopfzelle
CHEMKON, 29 (6) :646-653
September 2022 - [german] Gökkus, Yasemin; Tausch, Michael W.
Explorative Studie zur partizipativen und nutzenorientierten Forschung in der Chemiedidaktik
CHEMKON, 29 (3) :117-124
April 2022 - [german] Tausch, Michael W.
LED statt Gasbrenner - Mehr Licht für nachhaltigen Chemieunterricht
Chemie in unserer Zeit, 56 (3/2022) :188–196
2022 - 2021
- [english] Kremer, Richard; Tausch, Michael W.
Hydrogen Goes Green - Model Experiments for Artificial Photosynthesis
World Journal of Chemical Education, 9 (4) :111-120
November 2021 - [english] Kremer, Richard; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Tausch, Michael W.
Artificial Photosynthesis in Chemical Education - Photocatalytic Generation of Hydrogen in Classroom Experiments
Education Quimica, 32 (3)
2021 - 2020
- Tausch, Michael W.
Chemie mit Licht - Innovative Didaktik für Studium und Lehre
Publisher: Springer Verlag
2020ISBN: 978-3-662-60376-5
- 2019
- [german] Yurdanur, Yasemin; Tausch, Michael W.
Metamorphoses of an Experiment - From Hightech UV Immersion Lamp Reactor to Low-Cost TicTac\(^{®}\)-Cell
{CHEMKON}, 26 (3) :125--129
Publisher: Wiley - [english] Kremer, Richard; Meuter, Nico; Tausch, Michael W.
Towards Artificial Photosynthesis - Promoting Microscale Photochemistry in Science Education
African Journal of Chemical Education, 9 (3) :120-134
2019 - [english] Brunnert, Rainer; Yurdanur, Yasemin; Tausch, Michael W.
Towards Artificial Photosynthesis in Science Education
World Journal of Chemical Education, 7 (2) :33--39
Publisher: Science and Education Publishing Co., Ltd. - [german] Kremer, Richard; Tausch, Michael W.
Unterwegs zur künstlichen Photosynthese - Photokatalytische Reduktionen in Modellexperimenten
Chemie und Schule, 34 (3) :15-29
2019 - 2016
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Heffen, Maria
Photosynthese und Atmung en miniature - Teil 1
Chemie \& Schule, 31 (3) :5
2016 - 2015
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Heffen, Maria
Photokatalyse - homogen und heterogen, Das Photo-Blue-Bottle Experiment runderneuert
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule, 64 (8) :51-55
2015 - 2013
- [german] Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Tausch, Michael W.; Posala, Frederic; Nietz, D.
Akku leer? Licht an! - Photoelektrochemische Lichtenergiekonversion und -speicherung
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule, 63 (5) :25-31
2013 - 2007
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, Magdalene; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Krollmann, P.; Schmitz, W.; Wambach, J.
CHEMIE 2000+ Gesamtband mit Kompendium für das Abitur
Publisher: C.C.Buchner, Bamberg
2007 - 2001
- [english] Korn, Silke; Tausch, Michael W.
A Laboratory Simulation for Coupled Cycles of Photosynthesis and Respiration
Journal of Chemical Education, 78 (9) :1238
Publisher: American Chemical Society ({ACS}) - 2000
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Korn, S.
Der Kohlenstoff-Kreislauf bei der Photosynthese und Atmung als Modellexperiment - Gekoppelte Reaktionszyklen
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule, 49 (7) :29
2000 - 1998
- Wöhrle, D.; Tausch, Michael W.; Stohrer, W.-D.
PHOTOCHEMIE - Konzepte, Methoden, Experimente
Publisher: Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
1998 - 1994
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.
Photo-Blue-Bottle Modellversuche zur Photosynthese und zur Atmung
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften (Chemie), 43 (3) :13
1994 - 1989
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Wöhrle, D.
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften (Chemie), 38 :37