Photochemical Radical Chain Reactions

Higher Secondary Education
- V1 Ignition of a chlorine hydrogen mixture 1:1 using a flash (chlorine detonation gas), detection of the formed hydrogen chloride
- V2 Bromination of heptane by irradiation with a) blue and b) red light
- V3 Light initiated polymerisation of acrylates
Technical Contents
Bonds in polar HCl molecules compared to non polar H2 and Cl2 molecules; homolytic bond cleavage, bonding energy and energy of light quanta, radical chain reactions
polar covalent bond (lower secondary education), radical substituation and polymerisation; light quanta E = h ∙ ν (higher secondary education)
- 2021
- [english] Hoffmann, Heiko; Tausch, Michael W.
Diversity with Light: Photoreaction Pathways and Products of Butyrophenone
World Journal of Chemical Education, 9 (4) :163-174
November 2021 - [english] Hoffmann, Heiko; Tausch, Michael W.
Intermolecular Photoredox Coupling: Alternative to Norrish Type II Reaction and Yang Cyclization in Ketones with γ-C-Bonds
European Journal of Organic Chemistry
May 2021 - [english] Zimmermann, Marc; Domke, Dennis; Schween, Michael
Photobromination (SR) and Corresp. SN1 Reactions – Key Reactions for the Development and the Application of the Concept of Hyperconjugation
World Journal of Chemical Education, 9 :175-184
2021 - 2018
- [english] Hoffmann, Heiko; Tausch, Michael W.
Low-Cost Equipment for Photochemical Reactions
Journal of Chemical Education, 95 (12) :2289--2292
Publisher: American Chemical Society ({ACS}) - 2010
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, Magdalene; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Domrose, A.; Krees, S.; Krollmann, P.; Remus, L.; Wambach-Laicher, J.
CHEMIE 2000+ NRW Gesamtband Sek. I
Publisher: C.C.Buchner, Bamberg
2010 - 2007
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, Magdalene; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Krollmann, P.; Schmitz, W.; Wambach, J.
CHEMIE 2000+ Gesamtband mit Kompendium für das Abitur
Publisher: C.C.Buchner, Bamberg
2007 - 1996
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, M.; Porth, H.-R.; Schulze, I.; Wambach, H.
Publisher: C. C. Buchner, Bamberg
1996 - 1993
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, M.; Deissenberger, H.; Porth, H.-R.; G. Weißenhorn, R.
CHEMIE S II STOFF-FORMEL-UMWELT, Lehrbuch für Grund- und Leistungskurse, 446 Seiten
Publisher: C. C. Buchner, Bamberg