Intermolecular Energy Transfer

Higher Secondary Education
- V1 stimulated fluorescence of merocyanine (generated in situ from spiropyrane using light) by immobilisation in polystyrene (merocyanine in solution doesn't fluoresce)
- V2 Fluorescence quenching of chlorophyll with β-carotene
- V3 Protection of chlorophyll against photooxidative degradation under intensitve light in air with β-carotene
- V4 Increased light yield from chemoluminescence with the help of fluorophors (rubrene, nile red, violanthron and others)
- V5 Upconversion of lower-energy photons to higher-energy photons by triplet-triplet annihilation
- Educational movie „Underground-Mingolf, Colour by light emission“
- Animation on triplet-triplet annihilation
- Excerpt from EPA (European Photochemistry Association) - Newsletter 2020, "Two Versatile Experiments for Teaching Photochemistry: Photon Upconversion by TTA and All Optical INHIBIT Logical Gate"
Technical Contents
Quenching of excited states through intermolecular energy transfer (Förster- and Dexter mechanisms in part, if applicable); halflife of singlet and triplet states; quantum yield from luminescence and their manipulation by the immediate vicinity of the luminophor: Influence of the halflife of the primary excited particle on the intermolecular energy transfer; follow-up processes after the energy transfer: luminescence (fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemoluminescence, elektrochemoluminescence), different types of chemical reactions
energetics (importance of the intermolecular energy transfer for the accessory pigments in the photosynthetic center, the photosensibilisation of materials within the photovoltaik and the akctive compounds in the photodynamic therapy within the medicine) (higher secondary education)
- 2020
- [german] Meuter, Nico; Spinnen, Sebastian; Yurdanur, Yasemin; Tausch, Michael W.
Spiropyran - ein didaktisches Multitalent - Experimentelle Erschließung chemischer Basiskonzepte mit dem molekularen Schalter Spiropyran/Merocyanin
CHEMKON, 27 (4) :169--178
2020 - 2018
- [german] Spinnen, Sebastian; Tausch, Michael W.
Chem4Digit - Chemie für digitale Logik
CHEMKON, 25 (2) :69--73
Publisher: Wiley - 2017
- [german] Meuter, Nico; Spinnen, Sebastian; Yurdanur, Yasemin; Tausch, Michael W.
Photonen und Moleküle
CHEMKON, 24 (4) :265--271
Publisher: Wiley - 2015
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Spinnen, Sebastian
Ein multiples Chamäleon - Photochromie, Solvatochromie und aggregationsinduzierte Fluoreszenz
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule, 64 (6) :46--49
2015 - [german] Tausch, Michael W.
Photoprozesse in der Lehre der Naturwissenschaften
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule, 64 (1) :5--9
2015 - 2013
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Schmitz, Ralf-Peter; Meuter, Nico
Ein Fall für 2 - Interaktion von Chorophyll und β-Carotin bei der Photosynthese
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule, 62 (8) :15
2013 - 2010
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Banerji, Amitabh
Funktionelle Farbstoffe
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Chemie in der Schule, 59 (8) :6
2010 - 2007
- Tausch, Michael W.; Wachtendonk, Magdalene; Bohrmann-Linde, Claudia; Krollmann, P.; Schmitz, W.; Wambach, J.
CHEMIE 2000+ Gesamtband mit Kompendium für das Abitur
Publisher: C.C.Buchner, Bamberg
2007 - 1999
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Schmidt, Andrea
β-Carotin - ein Multitalent
CHEMKON, 6 (3) :135--141
Publisher: Wiley - 1998
- [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Balzer, M.
Die Ketone und das Licht
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften (Chemie), 47 (7) :14
1998 - Wöhrle, D.; Tausch, Michael W.; Stohrer, W.-D.
PHOTOCHEMIE - Konzepte, Methoden, Experimente
Publisher: Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
1998 - [german] Tausch, Michael W.; Grolmuss, A.; Woock, M.
Vom Lichtquant zum Sehreiz
Praxis der Naturwissenschaften (Physik), 47 (5) :26